How to Get a 7 in IB English IA

The one thing we know for sure is you want to get a 7 in IB English IA. So in this post, we share with you some simple, easy to implement tips that can help you do well in the subject.

Ideally, the best way to score a 7 in IB English IA is to do the following:

  1. Develop a strong foundation in English.
  2. Improve your analytical skills.
  3. Sharpen your writing skills.
  4. Invest your time in the internal assessment.
  5. Practice continuously.
  6. Hire a professional writer

As challenging as the IB program is, and especially when it comes to the English as a language and subject, you can still do considerably well if you pay attention to these six points.

1. Develop a Strong Foundation in English

Establish a robust foundation in English by focusing on improving your vocabulary and grammar. Grammar and vocabulary are two important elements that form a register, a term that refers to the overall formality and style of writing.

Improving your vocabulary doesn’t have to be time-consuming.

  • Read Extensively. Dive into books, journals, and online articles to enhance your vocabulary.
  • Use Sticky Notes to write down useful terms and phrases and incorporate these terms into your writing to make them a natural part of your vocabulary.
  • Study vocabulary books to learn more complex terms if English is already your first language.

Improving your grammar is an activity you can seamlessly integrate into your daily routine.

  • Read regularly. Consistent reading enables you to internalize grammatical structures, making accuracy second nature.
  • Write regularly. While reading improves your writing, actively practicing writing is essential to mastering new grammatical skills. The more you write the more proficient in English you will become.

By following these strategies, you’ll develop a solid English foundation that will greatly contribute to your success in IB English Internal Assessment.

2. Improve Your Analytical Skills

Your grade in IB English IA hinges on the quality of your analysis, with techniques-based analysis being critical. Without it, the highest grade you can achieve is a 4 in SL or a 3 in HL.

IB-style analysis is distinct from other curricula. You need to focus mostly on literary methods (literature) and visuals and stylistic devices (language and literature).

  • Literary Methods: Do an in-depth analysis of the literary techniques used by the author.
  • Visual and Stylistic Devices: Pay close attention to how authors employ visual and stylistic devices in their text.

Don’t summarize the written work. Instead, dive into how the author’s methods and devices contribute to the overall meaning and impact of the work.

3. Sharpen Your Writing Skills

Sharpening your writing skills requires you to address three areas: complexity and structure.  


Many students mistakenly believe that complexity equates to advancement in writing. However, the best English internal assessments are those that clearly and effectively communicate ideas. Focus on effective expression and selective vocabulary, not complexity.

Effective expression requires focusing on good writing, which is straightforward and clearly conveys concepts without unnecessary complexity.

Selective vocabulary means avoiding overloading your work with obscure terms. Use the advanced vocabulary you’ve learned deliberately and appropriately because misusing complex words can detract from your work’s clarity.


Start with a solid outline. Use the PEEL structure for each paragraph. PEEL stands for Point, Evidence, Explanation, and Link.

  • Point: You should state your main point.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence to support your point.
  • Explanation: Explain how the evidence supports your point.
  • Link: Connect the point to your overall thesis.

One of the biggest mistakes is presenting complicated arguments without proper organization. This can lead to your audience understanding individual points but missing how they tie together to support your overall thesis. Clear, structured writing ensures your arguments are both understood and persuasive.

4. Invest Your Time in Your English IA

Unlike final examinations, the IB English IA doesn’t have a time limit, it’s less stressful, and you can even work on it with the help of your peers and teacher. However, it’s vital to approach the work with the seriousness it deserves.

  • Write Early: Writing is a creative process that requires ample time. Start early to allow yourself enough time to generate, develop, and refine your ideas.
  • Rest, then Edit: Take a two-day break after completing your final draft. This allows you to return with fresh eyes and critically evaluate your work.
  • Look for additional resources: Use the Internet to find alternative analyses of your texts that your instructor may not have covered. This can provide new insights and enhance your understanding.
  • Get feedback: When stepping back from your work isn’t possible, seek feedback from your peers. Their input can offer valuable perspectives and help you identify areas for improvement.

What is IB English IA About?

The IB English IA is an assignment that requires you to demonstrate a solid foundation in the subject based on a specific topic.

Your reading and writing skills must be epic, and your grammar and use of vocabulary should be in line with the subject’s assessment criteria.

IB English IA requires you to analyze literary techniques, elucidate their purpose, and explain effect rather than merely stating them. You may need to add deep analysis and advanced vocabulary while enhancing the logical flow of words, phrases, and paragraphs to score a 7 in the subject.

Can I Hire a Professional Writer for IB English?

You can hire someone on Buy IA Online to write your English IA for you. The purpose of this writing service is to help you understand the subject and your topic better, so you can come up with a final report on your own without necessarily straining to do so.

Buy IA Online connects different clients with the best writers in English and other subjects. Ideally, we’ll assign your order to an expert writer in the subject or to one of our top 10 writers to complete the work for you. We focus strictly on in-depth research, custom writing, and timely delivery.

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